Welcome Fall


I love fall! (and spring) but it’s fall so that’s what it’s all about right now.  In Louisiana, we do not have much cold weather.  A few weeks out of the year is about it and those weeks are not consecutive.  But once we start having a few brisk mornings, I’m hooked.  Those close to me may scoff at that since more often than not I’m cold.  What can I say?  My thermostat is broken, but I digress.

I love the changing of the leaves and the crisp morning air as fall begins to come our way. I love to decorate for fall with all the warm scents and orange and red colors that can be out for two months! As soon as October rolls around and most folks are thinking about Halloween, I am thinking about Thanksgiving.  Seeing the colors change and the temperature drop remind me of what a blessing every single day is and it makes me thankful for Whom all blessings flow.

I don’t know about you, but as I watch nature change from season to season and see the beautiful colors across our landscapes, I see creation celebrating its Creator. The Master Artist!  Jesus Christ.

For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.  Romans 1:20
Just this morning as I walked down my road, the sky was lit up in reds and pinks and orange as the sun climbed over the horizon.  It was breathtaking! Just as HE is breathtaking!

One response to “Welcome Fall”

  1. Excellent (as always).  You really have a gift for this! I love Fall (and Spring), too.  I think God is rewarding us for surviving July, August, and September and I appreciate the reward.    When you think about it, we need Summer to really appreciate our temperate blessings.  Besides, God uses Summer to thin the herd – without the heat, everyone would want to live here and it would get crowded!  If a Mountain Man can stand the oven, anyone else should be able to make the sacrifice but, fortunately, they don’t. I loved describing the “fall” colors in early December to my northern customers.  And telling them that I had just mowed the yard in early February.  While their trees had long been barren and while their lawns were covered with snow, it was fun to remind them of where God planted his country.  I don’t miss the Rockies and, if I want to see snow, I’ll go visit it.  I don’t want it making unannounced visits on me. It’s especially wonderful that God planted his most special people here, too.  I love Louisiana and our friends.  

    From: Legacy316 To: steve_wallace@bellsouth.net Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 4:39 PM Subject: [New post] Welcome Fall #yiv7482787806 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv7482787806 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv7482787806 a.yiv7482787806primaryactionlink:link, #yiv7482787806 a.yiv7482787806primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv7482787806 a.yiv7482787806primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv7482787806 a.yiv7482787806primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv7482787806 WordPress.com | legacy316 posted: “I love fall! (and spring) but it’s fall so that’s what it’s all about right now.  In Louisiana, we do not have much cold weather.  A few weeks out of the year is about it and those weeks are not consecutive.  But once we start having a few brisk mornings” | |


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